“It’s good to see that you’re successful,” wrote one of my friends to me on Messenger. Besides feeling really good about this sentence, it also got me thinking.
What does she see as success through Facebook? Generally, on a social media platform, we showcase our successes with well-composed, beautiful photos and texts, like a display window. But can one see behind it the hard work, the journey through failures, the perseverance, the determination? We rarely think about this and perhaps sometimes even feel a bit envious – let’s admit it – although behind every success lies a lot of work. This is what I see in the female entrepreneurs around me.
What is visible in me now – exhibitions, appearances – is the result of years of hard work and perseverance. And during these years, there were failures and difficulties too. Rejected applications, unsuccessful images, tax changes (KATA). I had to move on from these or adapt to the new situation.
Another thought that occurred to me is, when others see us as successful, do we feel that way too? Can we stop and appreciate where we currently stand? That we have work we love and enjoy doing?
Livelihood is just one aspect – albeit an important measure – of success. Success for me is when my images resonate with people, when they make them think. It’s a joy to be able to contribute to the success of a business with a logo or packaging design.
It’s a great joy and honor for me that I got the opportunity to introduce myself to the Women’s Exchange entrepreneurial club by Olgi Békéssy, whom I highly regard as a person. Thanks to Monika Fisher for recommending the Female Enterpreneurs’ Club – Női Váltó Vállalkozói Klub to me, to Eszter Nagyné Czuri for inviting Olgi to Veszprém for a discussion about burnout in the Bent Professional Community, and thus I had the chance to meet her in person.